How Many Planes Take Off From JFK Airport Each Day in 2023?

JFK Airport, also known as John F. Kennedy International Airport, is one of the busiest airports in the United States and serves as a major international gateway to New York City. 

When it comes to the number of planes taking off, JFK Airport stands out among its counterparts. 

With its extensive air traffic and global connectivity, it handles a significant volume of departures daily.

Its proximity to New York City along with being a crucial hub for several major carriers, contributes to a high volume of departures.

The airport accommodates a wide array of aircraft, including commercial airliners, cargo planes, and private jets. 

Kennedy’s extensive runway system and state-of-the-art facilities enable efficient operations, allowing for a large number of departures to occur concurrently.

In this article, we will uncover some stats and facts about aircraft departures at Kennedy Airport.

Top 5 Statistics About John F Kennedy International Airport Departures

  • According to FlightAware, in 2023 JFK Airport has averaged roughly between 1200 – 1300 arrivals and departures per day. There are an estimated 600+ takeoffs from JFK each day.
  • That equates to 26 departures every hour.
  • Every 1 minute, a plane departs from John F Kennedy International Airport.
  • With a high estimate of 1300 aircraft movements per day, JFK is on pace to experience 474,500 aircraft movements in 2023 eclipsing its 2022 total of 448,847 aircraft movements.
  • According to Airsidelife, in 2022 JFK experienced the longest airport taxi times averaging 26 minutes.

How Many Airplanes Depart From JFK Airport Every Day?

In 2023, New York Kennedy Airport averages about 600 departures every day. 

No Margin for Error

With planes departing just about every minute, there is no room for error. 

One mistake like a pilot not taking off promptly enough, can force another plane already cleared to land on that same runway to go around and make another attempt for landing. 

Air traffic control will then have to resequence the landing plane to get another landing attempt, which will start a backlog of planes trying to land.

JFK Airport Has Duel Parallel Runways

jfk airport aerial view demonstrating the runway configuration

To accommodate planes taking off very frequently, JFK usually operates two parallel runways at a time. 

They dedicate one runway for departures and the other for landings. Kennedy Airport has a total of 4 runways at its disposal for landings and takeoffs. 

Two parallel runways face in the Northeast to Southwest direction and another set of parallel runways run in the Northwest to Southeast direction.

How Active Runways Are Chosen?

The choice of the active runway is dependent on the winds.

 Planes need to take off and depart into the winds. For example at JFK, if the wind is coming from the Northwest, they will use the runway that allows planes to take off and land in the northwest.

Trying to coordinate these aircraft to arrive on the same runway for takeoff while bringing in planes for landing on these same runways is no easy feat.

Weather Conditions Can Cause Delays and Affect Takeoffs at JFK Airport

Factors like delays at other airports and weather conditions present at JFK Airport often cause a backlog of aircraft to begin to pile up.

The worst days often occur during the winter months because aircraft can be delayed due to snowy and freezing conditions. 

Even without active snow present, aircraft must navigate their way to de-icing stations to have their wings properly treated to avoid ice accumulating on them. 

This de-icing process is another procedure that can delay planes for takeoff.

Kennedy Airport is Notorious for Taxi Delays

airplanes lined up for takeoff at jfk airport

JFK Airport is usually rated within the top 5 airports yearly in airport delays. 

Taxing times account for the bulk of the delays. The average taxi time at John F Kennedy Airport in 2022 was about 26 minutes.

It’s super critical for planes to depart on time because they can burn only so much fuel on the ground and still be able to reach their destinations. 

Fuel is weight on airplanes. Airplanes can only carry so much weight to be able to take off so that’s why they carry just enough fuel to get to where they need to be.

If an airline calculates and loads the plane with the fuel needed for a 5-minute taxi but in reality the plane takes 45 mins to taxi, the plane will have to go back to the gate to get more fuel in order to continue its journey. This adds even more delays and possibly flight cancellations.

Which Airlines Depart the Most at JFK Airport?

Typically, airlines have quick turnarounds at the gate. Planes land, taxi to the gate, get refueled, boarded, and then depart to their next destinations. 

Planes usually don’t sit around at the gate long and often flow 3 to 5 times daily.

It’s not unusual for one particular aircraft from an airline to land and take off from JFK several times a day.

The airlines that utilize JFK Airport as a hub or focus are the ones that depart from the airport the most. 

The following airlines own the highest passenger market share at JFK Airport.

JetBlue Airways

One of the leading airlines in terms of departures at JFK is JetBlue Airways

As a low-cost carrier based in the United States, JetBlue offers an extensive network of domestic and international flights from JFK Airport. 

With its focus on providing affordable fares and excellent customer service, JetBlue has gained a significant presence at JFK and is known for its frequent departures to various destinations across the United States, Mexico, and Central America.

Delta Airlines

Another major player at JFK is Delta Air Lines, one of the largest airlines globally. 

Delta operates quite a number of flights from JFK, both domestically and internationally. 

With its hub at JFK, Delta provides an expansive route map and frequent departures contribute to its prominence at JFK Airport.

American Airlines

American Airlines is also a significant carrier at JFK, offering numerous departures to destinations throughout the United States and beyond. 

As one of the largest airlines in the world, American Airlines operates multiple flights from JFK Airport, connecting travelers to various cities domestically and internationally. 

The airline’s extensive network and frequent departures make it a popular choice for passengers flying out of JFK.

How Do Air Traffic Controllers Ensure All These Planes Take Off Without Any Issues?

Air traffic controllers play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient departure of planes from airports. 

Here’s a simple explanation of how they ensure all planes take off without any issues:

  1. Ground Coordination: Before a plane takes off, air traffic controllers communicate with the ground staff, such as ramp agents and ground handlers, to ensure that all necessary pre-flight preparations are completed. This includes tasks like fueling the aircraft, loading baggage, and catering.
  2. Departure Sequence: Air traffic controllers determine the order in which planes will take off. They consider various factors like aircraft size, weight, destination, and airspace congestion. By organizing the departure sequence, they minimize the chances of conflicts between aircraft during takeoff.
  3. Runway Clearance: Controllers coordinate with pilots and provide clearance for each aircraft to enter and use the assigned runway. They ensure that the runway is clear from other planes or vehicles, reducing the risk of collisions.
  4. Separation Management: One of the key responsibilities of air traffic controllers is maintaining safe distances between departing aircraft. They use sophisticated radar systems and computerized tools to monitor the positions and movements of planes. Controllers ensure that the departing aircraft maintains a safe separation from other aircraft, both on the ground and in the air.
  5. Communication: Air traffic controllers maintain constant communication with pilots during the takeoff process. They provide important information, such as weather updates, runway conditions, and any changes to the departure sequence. Controllers also relay instructions to pilots regarding the initial heading or altitude to follow after takeoff.
  6. Traffic Flow Management: In situations where there is high air traffic volume, air traffic controllers may implement traffic flow management measures. These measures help regulate the flow of departures, ensuring that the airspace is not congested. By carefully managing the flow of planes, controllers prevent delays and maintain safety.
  7. Emergency Response: If any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies occur during takeoff preparations, air traffic controllers are trained to respond swiftly. They coordinate with other emergency services, such as airport fire and rescue, to ensure the safety of all personnel and aircraft involved.

By efficiently managing the departure process, air traffic controllers ensure that all planes take off smoothly, minimize the risk of incidents, and maintain the highest level of safety in the skies.


In conclusion, JFK Airport stands out among other airports in terms of the number of planes taking off. So far in 2023, the airport experiences about 600 takeoffs per day and is on track to eclipse its 2022 total for aircraft movements, estimated to achieve 474,500 this year.

Its prime location, extensive runway infrastructure, and international connectivity contribute to its bustling departure operations. 

Whether it’s connecting travelers to global destinations or accommodating a diverse range of aircraft, JFK Airport remains a key player in the aviation industry, known for its high volume of departures.

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